Fish and Ships

Weblog about pre-modern international trade in the North Atlantic

Welcome to the weblog about research into the late medieval and early modern international trade on the North Atlantic islands. It investigates the economic and cultural connections of merchants from Northern German cities, such as Bremen and Hamburg with the North Atlantic islands of Iceland, Shetland and Faroe during the 15th to 17th centuries. The research is based at the German Maritime Museum (Deutsches Schifffahrtsmuseum) in Bremerhaven in cooperation with the University of Highlands and Islands in Orkney. The research is carried out by four team members, each with their individual research objectives and disciplinary background. With this blog we want to provide information about the current state of our research, and create a platform to make available results and new knowledge. Read more...

Stockfish in Bavaria

Hans Christian Küchelmann, 28 January 2025

Stockfish drying on the Lofoten, Norway. Photo: Wikimedia Commons / Christoph Strässler

Andreas Pehl, journalist from Bavaria researched traces of stockfish consumption traditions in Bavaria and created a radio programme. It will be broadcasted on the 5th of March by the Bavarian radio station Bayerischer Rundfunk (Bayern 2) in the series “radioWissen”:
Der Stockfisch – Eine geschichtsträchtige Delikatesse
including interviews with Klaus Adelt, Sören Affeldt, Bart Holterman, Hans Christian Küchelmann, Bjørg Helen Nøstvold.

Posted in: Announcements, General


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